University appoints first director of materials research center

The University of Leeds has appointed Professor Edmund Linfield as its first director of the Bragg Centre for Materials Research. The center has been created with the aim of discovering, creating and designing new materials, focusing on analytical science, bionanotechnology. electronic and photonic materials, functional surfaces, multiscale materials and soft matter.

Professor Linfield is currently chair of Terahertz Electronics at the University and has helped establish it as a global leader in terahertz technology. With Professor Giles Davies, he was awarded the Institute of Physics Faraday Gold Medal in 2014 for his work in experimental physics.

‘We advance our understanding of high-value materials through a combination of both fundamental scientific discovery and applied research, exploiting materials that are often engineered at the atomic or molecular level,’ said Professor Linfield ‘We also work with industry to understand and tackle their problems. These challenges demand that academics work across disciplines, so the Centre brings together leaders from interconnected fields to address global problems in materials research.’

This story uses material from the University of Leeds, with editorial changes made by Materials Today. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent those of Elsevier.