Höganäs releases sustainability report

PM producer Höganäs has released its sustainability report for 2018, put together according to the Global Reporting Initiative's framework for sustainability reporting.

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) is a non-profit organization that advocates economic, environmental and social sustainability, and its framework has evolved into a globally leading standard over the years.

‘We signed the membership agreement of the UN Global Compact in 2017, and we have also applied its ten principles, which have made a huge impact and have been applied by many companies,’ the company said. ‘Transparency and credibility are two factors that are important in all sustainability reporting. It is important that the sustainability report not only highlight what's going well, but also the things we have not managed or where we need to improve and develop further. This openness is a prerequisite both for our own further development and for our ability to meet our major challenges through cooperation with others. What is important to remember is that the sustainability report is not, in itself, the way to sustainability, but rather an important and useful tool.’

The report can be found here (pdf).

This story uses material from Höganäs with editorial changes made by Materials Today. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent those of Elsevier.