Alcoa introduces new lightweight wheel alloy

Alcoa has rolled out the most advanced aluminum alloy for truck wheels, opening the door for lighter, stronger, corrosion-resistant wheels. Alcoa invented the forged wheel, shown here, and has remained the industry leader for 65 years.
Alcoa has rolled out the most advanced aluminum alloy for truck wheels, opening the door for lighter, stronger, corrosion-resistant wheels. Alcoa invented the forged wheel, shown here, and has remained the industry leader for 65 years.

Alcoa expects to introduce a new wheel featuring the alloy in early 2014.

MagnaForce is on average 16.5% stronger than the industry standard, Alcoa's 6061 alloy, in similar applications. Alcoa will use the material to manufacture wheels for commercial transportation.

"Alcoa is making truck wheel history with our innovative aluminium material," claimed Tim Myers, president, Alcoa wheel and transportation products. "No manufacturer has produced a wheel with an alloy superior to Alcoa's 6061 material. Our MagnaForce alloy today opens the door to production of the strongest, lightest wheels to increase fleet payload, improve fuel efficiency and enhance sustainability."

Alcoa invented the forged aluminium wheel in 1948, using an alloy it had developed for the aerospace industry.