VBN Components collaborates with Uppsala University through PhD research

VBN Components’ longstanding collaboration with the Ångström Laboratory at Uppsala University in Sweden is increasing through advanced material research being undertaken by an Industrial PhD student.

Uppsala University
Uppsala University - Image © borisb17 - Adobe Stock.

Saad Khalid, MSc, is a graduate from the Master’s Programme in Additive Manufacturing at Uppsala University and employed at VBN Components. He has now initiated his doctoral research work on “Spatially controlled structural variations – a new concept for tailoring wear-resistant 3D-printed metals” at Uppsala University’s Tribomaterials Group. He will continue VBN’s material research, supervised by chief technology officer Ulrik Beste.

The position is selected and co-financed by WISE and the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, supporting “Materials Science for a Sustainable World.”

“As an SME, it is rare to be able to offer a PhD research position, but VBN can do this thanks to its significant and unique materials development focus. We are grateful for the collaboration with Uppsala University, as well as WISE and the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, with whom we will realise the project,” said Magnus Bergman, CEO of VBN Components.