Phillips-Medisize wins MIM prize

Phillips-Medisize Corporation says that it received the 2017 MPIF grand prize award in the automotive engine category at this year's Powdermet show.

Phillips-Medisize received the award for its metal injection molded (MIM) four-slot fuel valve seat part, which goes into the Multec3.5 compressed natural gas (CNG) fuel injector. The part is currently used for several small-engine and automotive applications, including aftermarket CNG conversions for trucks and cars, helping contribute to a reduction in greenhouse-gas emissions.

‘Our MIM technology allowed for a complex seat design that could be net-shape fabricated, while eliminating the need for expensive secondary machining,’ said Bill Welch, CTO. ‘It also provided additional benefits, such as molding intricate lip edge features, stainless steel material and seat sealing features that are uniform and consistent. Without MIM, the part would have had to be completely redesigned. There is no other way to achieve the lip seal surface and the cost of a multiple piece assembly/entire fuel injector would have been exponentially higher.’

This story is reprinted from material from Phillips-Medisizewith editorial changes made by Materials Today. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent those of Elsevier.