PCI awards 2020 scholarships

The Powder Coating Institute (PCI) has awarded its 2020 scholarships.

‘As the Baby Boomers retire, the powder coating industry needs to replace them with new young talent,’ said Kevin Coursin, PCI executive director.

‘The PCI scholarship program is the industry’s investment into fulfilling this need. We are excited to present awards to six deserving students who are studying chemistry and engineering with the hope they will join our industry after they graduate.’

The scholarship program is intended for students pursuing degrees in polymer science, manufacturing, engineering, business management and marketing. The 2020 program awards US$30,000 in total.

The student awardees are Robert Bouscher, University of Akron, Molly Sanchez, Indiana Tech, Dakota Weinman, Case Western Reserve University and Mark Rupert, Sydney Preston and Celine Schmitt, all from the University of Cincinnati.

This story uses material from the PCI, with editorial changes made by Materials Today. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent those of Elsevier.