Honda Recognizes DuPont Automotive OEM Coatings

DuPont Automotive OEM Coatings, which has been supplying paint to Honda America since 1982, received recognition for top performance in the areas of quality, delivery and productivity improvement. Honda evaluates each supplier's performance in key operational areas, and considers initiatives that continually improve and achieve world-class business characteristics.

Honda presented the Supplier of the Year award at the DuPont plant in Mt. Clemens, Mich. "We are honored to be named the Supplier of the Year and look forward to continuing our successful partnership with Honda by delivering quality technologies and services," said John Navitsky, business manager, DuPont Automotive OEM Coatings

Mike Wallace, Honda purchasing manager, extended his appreciation to DuPont for its efforts in meeting the needs of the automotive manufacturer’s customers. "As a top supplier, DuPont is helping us respond quickly to changing market conditions and contributing to our ability to provide our customers with both high quality and best value,” he said.