Free AM software

Michigan Technological University has reportedly developed a new open-source, Web-based 3D controller.

According to 3D printing association America Makes, the University, which is one of its members, developed the Franklin software as part of the former’s R&D project entitled ‘Metal Alloys and Novel Ultra-Low-Cost 3D Weld Printing Platform for Rapid Prototyping and Production.’

Franklin allows users to manage their 3D printer from any Web-connected device from anywhere in the world, and can also enables printing to continue even if the connection is temporarily lost. It improves communication with scripts and is intended to be easily integrated into other projects, America Makes says.

The control system software and firmware were written by Bas Wijnen, a PhD candidate at Michigan Tech, and is free.

This story uses material from America Makes, with editorial changes made by Materials Today. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent those of Elsevier.